so yeah this is in english
ok so arrays you can store a lot of data in it in a systematical thing
but this is about its use in chat and its lesson 1 so this is basic of the basisc
this is gonna tell you how to convert your message into an array
o this is the total setup
first i savwed the message into a variable (%player% msg) then i split it into and elements (this here can be split like normal methord like in this guide and on specific points by inserting a special character where the elements will be split ) saving tha elements in a array (%player% array) then to see if it worked or not i convert it into a text by saving it into a variable(player% msg1) then i send the player that message and this is the output
my was first letter and it split in to element and became the first element followed by name, is etc
so this was about splitting an array into text so that you can print your arrays like for part 2
ok so arrays you can store a lot of data in it in a systematical thing
but this is about its use in chat and its lesson 1 so this is basic of the basisc
this is gonna tell you how to convert your message into an array
o this is the total setup
first i savwed the message into a variable (%player% msg) then i split it into and elements (this here can be split like normal methord like in this guide and on specific points by inserting a special character where the elements will be split ) saving tha elements in a array (%player% array) then to see if it worked or not i convert it into a text by saving it into a variable(player% msg1) then i send the player that message and this is the output
my was first letter and it split in to element and became the first element followed by name, is etc
so this was about splitting an array into text so that you can print your arrays like for part 2