so you have 1k+ visitors and now want to code @donate [amount] hmm
i dont have a game with 1k+ visitors but i have coded many
You have 3 steps to this process
STEP 1 (Getting the msg from donator to donate)
So first you need to do
Player action(send message)-> set variable ( %player%msg(var) - Message sent(apple var) )
STEP 2 (getting the amount and command from the msg)
Split text into characters - ( First slot ( %player%msg(array) second slot (%player%msg(var) third slot(empty) )
Array action (Get element First slot (%player%command(var) Second slot (%player%msg(array) Third slot(1(numerical value))
Array action (Get element First slot (%player%Amount(var) Second slot (%player%msg(array) Third slot(2(numerical value))
if variable (equels first slot(%player%command(var)) second slot(@donate(text book))
set variable (parse First slot (%player%Amount(var)) Second slot (%player%Amount(var))
Gold transaction - First slot (name)) Second slot(display name) Third slot (%player%Amount(var)) and set it to do not record
Send msg all - %player% has donated %player%Amount(var) Gold Hes poor now hahahahaha
i dont have a game with 1k+ visitors but i have coded many
You have 3 steps to this process
STEP 1 (Getting the msg from donator to donate)
So first you need to do
Player action(send message)-> set variable ( %player%msg(var) - Message sent(apple var) )
STEP 2 (getting the amount and command from the msg)
Split text into characters - ( First slot ( %player%msg(array) second slot (%player%msg(var) third slot(empty) )
Array action (Get element First slot (%player%command(var) Second slot (%player%msg(array) Third slot(1(numerical value))
Array action (Get element First slot (%player%Amount(var) Second slot (%player%msg(array) Third slot(2(numerical value))
if variable (equels first slot(%player%command(var)) second slot(@donate(text book))
set variable (parse First slot (%player%Amount(var)) Second slot (%player%Amount(var))
Gold transaction - First slot (name)) Second slot(display name) Third slot (%player%Amount(var)) and set it to do not record
Send msg all - %player% has donated %player%Amount(var) Gold Hes poor now hahahahaha